Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Ready steady go . . . . .

A wee action shot of Hugh cutting the wood in between heavy showers for the firing.

Dragons all standing to attention waiting patiently to get fired :)
Some of Alan's large cup's in granite with iron oxide decoration.

The pottery is stacked high with pots waiting to get fired as the weather has been bad for the past couple of weeks & we haven't even been able to cut enough wood never mind fire the kiln.

A lot of these pots are shape's Hugh & I have never tried before but we seem to be managing anyway, we'll see when they have fired. Fingers crossed :)


  1. Good luck with the firing (that's if it hasn't happened yet.) I love the dragons - they're a brilliant idea (although they only really work if you let the cones go down...) Pots look smashing, by the way.

  2. Cheers, we eventually got the firing done & we were pleased with the results :) Will post some pics up this week, plus the dragons came out well too, nice wood ash & well cooked cones.
